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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Parve Recipes

Sugared Pecans Honey Cake
Parve Peach Cake

Parve - Pareve

All foods which do not fall into the Featuring: of Meat or Dairy are considered pareve, and can be consumed freely with either meat or dairy.

Kosher Labels: Dairy - Meat Parve

This includes all fruits and vegetables and foods derived exclusively from such sources; salt and other non-organic foodstuffs. Fish is considered pareve, and may be eaten directly before or after both meat and milk.
Eggs from kosher birds are kosher; they are also considered pareve (neutral, neither milk nor meat). Traditionally, eggs are examined in a glass cup to ascertain that they contain no blood. Eggs containing blood in the white may be used according to Sephardi halakha if the blood can be removed, but the egg must be discarded if any blood is found on the yolk. Ashkenazim generally do not distinguish between blood in the white or on the yolk. Partially-formed eggs found inside slaughtered birds may be eaten, but they must undergo the same process of blood removal as the animal, and these eggs are considered to be fleishig (status of meat) in Ashkenazi Judaism.

Foods that are Parve include:

Citrus Juices
Herbs Fruits
Honey Spices
Fish Vegetable

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